Vetotop UC370
UV-resistant & trafficable polyurethane coating.
Vetotop UC370 is a two-component, low-viscosity, acrylic-urethane topcoat. It is used as a UV-resistant sealer over concrete (when used with the Vetofloor epoxy range & with polyurethane flooring and coating systems) Vetotop UC370 is the ideal topcoat for steel substrates (after the mandatory priming using Vetoprime EP491). Vetotop UC370 is a sealed system that provides outstanding UV stability on exterior applications as it cures rapidly and withstands all types of weather exposure. When used as a finish coat, Vetotop UC370 provides a hard, glossy surface that resists stain well and is easy to clean.

- It provides long-term protection for car parks, factory floors, warehouses, laboratories, loading decks, ramps, showers, kitchens, dairies, and breweries.
- An ideal UV Resistant top coat for multiple flooring systems including concrete, epoxies, and aromatic polyurethanes.
- Excellent adhesion.
- UV Resistant (does not change color to yellow).
- Durable and feasible to maintain.
- Good resistance to a wide range of chemicals.
- High mechanical properties with excellent impact and abrasion resistance.
- Provides a degree of flexibility.
Usage Instructions
The surface should be sound, clean, free from loose material, grease, laitance, dirt-curing compounds, etc.
Laitance and weak surface layers must be removed using mechanical methods such as grinding or blasting to provide a sound, well-profiled surface. Use an epoxy mortar from the Vetorep ER range to repair all necessary areas before applying.
New concrete floors should be at least 28 days old with a moisture content of less than 5% (test the substrate’s moisture conditions if an earlier application is necessary).
Mix the base & hardener together for 3 minutes using a slowspeed mixer. Make sure you follow our mixing guidelines and procedures carefully. Scrape the container of any residue and do NOT add solvents at any time.
Apply Vetotop UC370 using a roller or an airless spray. Spray Vetotop UC370 at a thickness of 125 - 150 micron (50% solids), so the application coverage rate is at 3.5 m2/liter per coat (@ 150 microns DFT).
Do not apply when humidity exceeds 75% or when the temperature of the coated surface is less than 3°C above the dew point.
Vetotop UC370 can be applied as a single coat or multi-coat sandwich system incorporating Vetograin products to give a slip-resistant finish. For more information, please refer to the Vetograin Technical Data Sheet.
You can recoat the surface within 24 hours maximum and at a temperature above 25°C only
Expansion joints in the existing substrate must be retained and continued through the Vetotop UC370 topping. Saveto has a range of joint sealants specifically designed for flooring purposes (See the product data sheet of Vetoflex PS782).
Clean tools and equipment with Vetonit Solvent XX300 immediately after use.