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Submitted by webmaster on 22 May 2024

Vetocure XT426

Multi-Purpose, Acrylic Resin Curing Compound.

Vetocure XT426 is a resinous-based curing compound for cementitious substrates designed to be used as a curing agent that allows subsequent cementitious* and acrylic renders. Vetocure XT426 is a clear liquid applied directly from the pail to the concrete substrate by spray equipment to achieve the required results.


  • Retaining moisture in concrete after pouring.
  • Allowing concrete to cure efficiently as required by concreting practice.
  • General concrete curing applications such as concrete slabs, retaining walls, runways, bridges, pavements...etc.
  • Where subsequent coating finishes are required without having to remove the curing compound.
  • As a penetrating primer on weak and porous cementitious surfaces before painting.


  • Easy to use single component directly from the container.
  • Minimizes cracking potential.
  • Improved curing and cement hydration.
  • Sprayable.
  • High curing efficiency.
  • Ready to receive further renders (refer to detailed method statement or Saveto technical department).

Usage Instructions

Minimum application temperature: 5°C

Vetocure XT426 should be spray applied to the surface of fresh concrete. The application should begin immediately after the concrete is free from surface water. Do not apply if bleed water is forming or present on the concrete surface.

The spray nozzle should be held approximately 450 mm and inclined at 35° to 45° from the concrete surface and passed back and forth to ensure complete coverage. The fugitive white color during application provides a guide to the area covered. Maintain pump pressure to give an even, fine spray.

After spraying, no further application of water or other material is necessary to ensure continued curing. The concrete surface should not be disturbed until it has sufficient strength to bear surface loads. Prevent the walk on the applied film until it is fully dry, and ensure that the film is not broken.

Vetocure XT426 may also be applied to the surface of newly hardened concrete immediately after demolding. In such cases, the concrete surface must be damp and not dry. Dry surfaces may prevent correct film formation and cause absorption of the Vetocure XT426, which may lead to staining and difficulty in later removal.

The recommended coverage rate is between 7-9 m2/liter. If the request for coverage outside the recommended coverage rate should meet the specification requirements, contact the local Saveto office or representative in advance in such cases.

Use spray equipment to produce a fine Vetocure XT426 mist. Ensure the suitability of equipment by an application trial.

Clean spray equipment immediately after use by flushing through with white spirit.

Vetocure XT426 is ready to receive further layers of acrylic, polyurethane, and bituminous base.


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