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Submitted by webmaster on 25 February 2024

Concrete Repairs

Concrete is the major element in every project. Therefore, it becomes vital to protect it and maintain it to extend the service life of these projects. For that purpose, Saveto has developed a comprehensive line of solutions to address any damage that might impair the quality of concrete.

Featured Products

Vetorep CR520

High-strength structural repair mortar.

Vetorep CR523

Single-component (cementitious) fairing coat.

Other Products

Vetocrete CC806

Structural Shotcrete.

Vetocrete FC803

Fine Structural Shotcrete.

Vetocrete HS801

Shotcrete for 3D Panel System.

Vetorep CR521

Non Shrink Flowable Micro concrete.

Vetorep ER350

Epoxy putty, sealing, anchoring and leveling compound.

Vetogrout ER717

Low viscosity epoxy grout & injection resin.