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Submitted by webmaster on 6 October 2024

Plastermix M

Manual applied Premixed Cement Plaster.

Plastermix M is a cement-based plastering material composed of hydraulic binders, selected aggregates, and special additives. It is supplied as a dry powder in pre-weighed bags ready to use on-site, which requires only the addition of clean water to produce cohesive mortar. Plastermix M is a high-quality product that contains a special shrinkage control additive. It is designed for manual hand application for areas that can not be accessed by machine application. Plastermix M is generally applied in thicknesses ranging from 5 to 20 mm per layer


  • Designed for manual or hand applications.
  • The perfect replacement of the site mixed plasters.
  • Internal and External use.
  • Suitable for concrete and block walls after applying spatter dash.


  • Factory controlled pre-blend ensures consistently high quality.
  • Requires only the addition of water on-site at the time of usage.
  • Uniform color/mass.
  • Improved workability & curing.
  • Good adhesion on a variety of substrates.
  • Internal & external applications.
  • Weather-resistant.
  • Shrinkage control reduces surface cracks.
  • Suitable for humid & dry conditions.
  • Environmentally friendly with fewer wastes.

Usage Instructions

The substrate should be sound, clean, free from loose material, grease, laitance, dirt, curing compound, etc.

All surfaces must be treated with vetonit spatter dash to create a key coat that has roughness of 4 - 6 mm.

Water Demand: 

Mortar consistency 7 - 9 L per bag (~ 14 % water to bag ratio) 

Semi dry 4 - 6 L per bag (~ 10 % water to bag ratio)

Add to the mixing container 7 - 9 liters of water for each 50Kg bag of Plastermix M. Add the powder to the water and mix with a mechanical plaster mixer or a low-speed electric drill fitted with a suitable paddle. Mix for 3-4 minutes until achieving a uniform, lump-free consistency. 

For manual (hand) mixing, water demand might differ from the mentioned above ratio due to the mixing efficiency that depends on human efforts. 

To increase the plaster’s workability and the adhesion to the substrate, we highly advise adding 1-2 liters of Saveto Bond 2 to the mixing water and adjusting the water requirements for each 50kg bag of Plastermix M. 

The mixed material can be re-tempered after 1 hour from mixing up to 2 hours; after that, the material can not be used since it starts to set.

Apply Plastermix M in a single or two layers on rough or smooth surfaces to achieve the desired thickness. Before the application of Plastermix M, dampen the surface.

Apply the mixed material using the hawk & trowel technique. Rod or level to a uniform thickness of 5-20 mm. When the plaster starts to stiff, usually after 40 - 60 min depending on the surrounding conditions, smooth the material to achieve the desired appearance. For thicknesses, more than 20 mm, use the ASTM C926 practice: each layer 10 - 15mm rough finish, should cure before applying the second coat for at least 2 days; or follow the double-up or double-back procedure (which indicates to apply the second coat of plaster to the first coat as soon as the first coat has attained sufficient rigidity to receive the application without any damage). This often occurs on the same day and is relative, where it depends on the plasterer experience; the Saveto Technical team does not likely recommend it.

After the surface appears stiff but still moist, smoothen the material surface to achieve the desired appearance.

Plastermix M’s curing method is by spraying water on applied material surfaces every 12 hours for a minimum of 3 days. During hot & dry conditions, allow curing for a minimum of 5 days. This will help in obtaining a higher mechanical strength and minimize the risk of surface cracks.

Clean all tools immediately after finishing by water. Clean hardened materials mechanically.


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