تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
Submitted by webmaster on 16 مايو 2024

ڤيتوريل اكس تي 420

عامل فصل قوالب مائي

Vetorel XT420 is a single component milky liquid composed of synthetic oils, special emulsifying agents, and varied additives with high anti-adhesion properties towards the concrete. Vetorel XT420 provides the plywood surface with a water repellent film preventing concrete from adhering to the form-work resulting in a smooth, stainless concrete surface.


  • Vetorel XT420 is used to treat wooden and metal form-work or molds before casting concrete to facilitate stripping.
  • Minimizing concrete surface blemishes and pinholes.


  • Factory-controlled, single component, and easy to use.
  • Water-based, environment-friendly product.
  • Odorless and nonflammable.
  • Produces neat concrete surfaces by letting the air & water bubbles rise freely during vibration.
  • Minimize surface staining even with white cement-based concrete.
  • Adheres to all wooden or plywood form surfaces, as well as to synthetic or steel forms.
  • Ensure easy release and cleanability while extending the usable life of shuttering.

تعليمات الاستخدام

Clean all form-work and shutter surfaces from deposits of rust, concrete, oil, or other materials. The product is ready to use without any dilution.

Vetorel XT420 is supplied in containers ready to use at the site without a need to premix operation. Apply Vetorel XT420 by brush, roller, or spraying machine.

Apply Vetorel XT420 on plywood or steel shutter before the first casting. After every use of form-work, the shutter should be re-coated lightly with Vetorel XT420.

Do not over-apply Vetorel XT420 on the form-work. Excessive material should be allowed to drain before using the form-work.

Apply the product with a brush or preferably with a sprayer. It is advisable to apply Vetorel XT420 at least two hours before using the shutter for best results.

Consult Saveto technical department for any additional information.

Clean tools with water promptly before material hardens. Remove hardened material mechanically.


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