تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
Submitted by info on 16 مايو 2024

ڤيتوجراوت اي ار 717

جراوت إيبوكسي وراتنج حقن.

Vetogrout ER717 is a low viscosity epoxy resin-based grout for crack injection where the hardened grout’s chemical resistance and physical properties are of extreme importance (for example: extreme industrial applications, rail tracks, dynamic load situations, chemical tanks, etc.). Vetogrout ER717 consists of two components (Base and Hardener) that are provided in the right proportions. When mixed and applied, it penetrates deep into cracks and cavities, providing a permanent seal.


  • To restore structural integrity of structural elements.
  • To inject structural elements in retaining walls, beams, columns, shear walls, tanks, etc.
  • For grouting and static crack filling from 0.2 to 10 mm.
  • For base plate grouting in dynamic load situations.


  • Used in a wide range of situations such as cyclic and dynamic load cases.
  • It is highly durable, ensuring long working life with high mechanical properties such as compressive, flexural, and tensile strength.
  • Cost-effective with rapid strength gain ensuring minimum structural downtime.
  • Non-shrink and complete surface bonding providing a 100% effective bearing area.
  • It withstands hydrostatic pressure and prohibits penetration of contaminants and aggressive chemicals

تعليمات الاستخدام

Pour the entire contents of the hardener container into the base container and mix for 2 - 3 minutes or until a uniform color is achieved. Once mixed, the material must be used within the specified pot life (see under Properties). After this time, unused material will have stiffened and should be discarded. 

Note: All surfaces must be dried right before placement.

Ensure that the grout can be placed within its pot life. 

Continuous grout flow is essential. Sufficient grout must be available before the start, and the time taken to pour a batch must be regulated to the time taken to prepare the next one. In the case of under-plate grouting, pouring should be from one side of the void to eliminate air entrapment. 

The hydrostatic head must be maintained at all times so that a continuous grout front is achieved. In case of crack injection, consult your Saveto representative for a detailed method statement, onsite training, support, recommendation, or a specialty-approved applicator (if needed).

Use Vetonit Solvent XX400 to clean equipment before material begins to harden; otherwise, mechanical means will be necessary to remove hardened material.


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