تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
Submitted by webmaster on 10 June 2024

ڤيتوبرايم آىبي 443

برايمر أكريليكي.

Vetoprime AP443 is a multi-grade surface sealer & hardener for concrete, masonry and natural stone. Vetoprime AP443 versatility allows it to be used in various applications in brick work & on block, concrete, masonry, lime-based elements, cement boards, mineral plasters, and natural & artificial stone conglomerates.


  • As a primer & a sealer for anti-carbonation systems (Like Vetotop AC441 topcoat). 
  • To enhance the strength of weak lime-stone & masonry surfaces to receive resinous toppings. 
  • As a dust proofer for cementitious surfaces. 
  • To seal highly porous cementitious substrates. 
  • It creates a durable seal for stamped concrete.


  • Anti-carbonation primer & sealer. 
  • Excellent protection against efflorescence & water damage. 
  • Single-component (can be easily applied by brush, roller, or spray). 
  • Versatile applications for a large number of coating materials & sealants. 
  • Designed for highly porous & weak surfaces. 
  • High wetting properties. 
  • Specifically designed for natural stone present in the MENA region. 
  • Cost-effective. 
  • Suitable for the weathering conditions of the MENA region.

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