تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
Submitted by webmaster on 16 مايو 2024

ڤيتوتارد اكس تي 428

مؤخر لشك الأسطح مائي

Vetotard XT428 is a single component concrete surface retarder. Vetotard XT428 is a chemical retarder directly applied to the form-work. It is designed to provide a simple, economical method of exposing aggregates in freshly poured facedown pre-cast concrete or face-up panels or slabs. Vetotard XT428’s function is to retard the hydration of cement at the surface matrix of the concrete.


  • Used for the production of exposed aggregate concrete and precast concrete panels.
  • Used in face down and face up concrete pour.
  • Used in providing a rough surface and mechanical keying for the continuation of pours at construction joints, column necks,...etc.


  • Easy to use directly from the container, single component.
  • Non-toxic and non-flammable.
  • Does not require the use of a mold release agent.
  • Non-staining.
  • Use with various types of form-work, such as steel, glass fiber, or timber.
  • Cost-effective application.

تعليمات الاستخدام

Seal timber form-work with a suitable polyurethane sealer. Clean form-work and molds and dry before application.

Vetotard XT428 should be applied in one even coat using a brush or roller. The coverage rate is 5 - 8 m2 per liter.

It is possible to spray Vetotard XT428 but would need to dilute with 5 - 10% water to achieve sprayable consistency. Stir well before use.

Before concrete is placed, the surface retarder should be dry for face-down application. This typically takes 15 to 60 minutes depending on ambient conditions, whereas, in the case of face-up, Vetotard XT428 should be applied immediately after concrete placement is complete in wet conditions.

Immediately after the concrete molds are stripped, the retarded surface of the concrete can be exposed either by brushing and/or water washing. Water washing should be carried out using a high-pressure water jet between 1000 and 2000 psi (5 to 10 N/mm2). Dry brushing requires the use of a wire brush.

To bring out the full color of the aggregate for decorative finishes, wash the concrete face with a dilute hydrochloric acid solution (5% concentration).

Clean all tools and equipment with water immediately after use.


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