تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
Submitted by webmaster on 10 June 2024

ماسونري جراوت فيلر

جراوت بناء مسبقة الخلط

Masonry Grout Filler is a ne grout category de ned by American Concrete Institute (ACI), and is composed of portland cement, natural sand, selected ne aggregates, and special additives. The Masonry Grout Filler contains admixtures following ASTM C 476, C207, C260 to meet the ne grout category. Masonry Grout Filler is supplied as a dry powder in pre-weighed bags ready to use on-site, which requires only the addition of clean water to produce pourable grout. Masonry Grout Filler is ideal for grouting masonry blocks, masonry units, cores, and a ller behind marble slabs.


  • Apply Masonry Grout Filler on cement-based masonry blocks, masonry units, behind marble and cement panels, tiles or slabs, etc. 
  • Masonry Grout Filler is suitable for the application behind gypsum boards.


  • Factory controlled pre-blend ensures consistently high quality. 
  • Requires only the addition of water on-site at the time of usage. 
  • Suitable for ME harsh weather conditions. 
  • Easy application with uniform work flow enables high productivity & superior finishing. 
  • Strong adhesion. 
  • Good mechanical resistance. 
  • Excellent workability.

تعليمات الاستخدام

Apply Spatter Dash SB prior to the application of Premix Plaster S.


استكشف المزيد من المنتجات

بريمكس بلاستر ال دبليو

لياسة خفيفة الوزن لأسطح AAC

بريمكس بلاستر اس اف

لياسة إسمنتية مسبقة الخلط مع ألياف

أكويستك بلاستر اتش اس

لياسة إسمنتية مدعمة بالـ EPS