تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
Submitted by webmaster on 6 June 2024

ڤيتوثيرم مش

شبكة ألياف الزجاجية

Vetotherm Mesh is a range of ready-to-use thin glass fiber meshes used with wall coatings and cladding, including external thermal insulation systems ETICS / EIFS as a reinforcement and impact resistance against the crack formation, and it provides a high tensile strength composite system. The range includes various weights and opening sizes depending on the project and engineer’s requirements.


  • Reinforcement of ETICS/EIFS body and topcoats.
  • Strengthening of corners and sharp angle sections.
  • Reinforce against crack formation in wall coatings.


  • Compatible with a wide range of coating types, including cementitious, acrylics, epoxies, polyurethanes, polyureas, and hybrid systems.
  • Easy imbedment in cementitious and resinous materials.
  • Exterior as well as interior applications.
  • Specifically designed for ETICS / EIFS.
  • High tensile strength.
  • Plasticizer free.
  • Alkali-resistant.
  • Easily cut into size with a razor.

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