تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
Submitted by webmaster on 5 June 2024

ڤيتوتوب آى سي 440

طلاء واقٍ أكريليكي.

Vetotop AC440 is a single-component elastomeric pigmented coating, ready for immediate site use. Vetotop AC440 is an elastomeric, water-based protective coating based on a special acrylic polymer. It provides excellent elongation and recovery, low dirt pick-up, resistance to aggressive elements, UV light, and rain. It is available in a wide range of colors.


  • To protect atmospherically exposed reinforced concrete structures from attack by acid gases, chloride ions, oxygen, and water, and where there is a danger of subsequent cracks appearing within the substrate.
  • Suitable to protect all types of structures, cementitious substrates, masonry, and aggressive marine and coastal environments.


  • Highly elastomeric coating with excellent elongation and recovery properties which are maintained at subzero temperatures.
  • Excellent barrier to carbon dioxide, chloride ions, oxygen, and water. 
  • UV-resistant. 
  • Water-based. 
  • Wide range of decorative colors.

تعليمات الاستخدام

Remove Vetorep CR523 and Vetotop AC440 from tools and equipment with clean water immediately after use. Remove Vetoprime AP443 from tools and equipment using Vetonit Solvent XX400.


استكشف المزيد من المنتجات

ڤيتوتوب آى سي 441

طلاء أكريليكي مضاد للكربنة.

ڤيتوتوب اي بي يو 497

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