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Submitted by webmaster on 28 November 2024

Vetofix UA452

Two-component, high viscous, semi rigid PU-based adhesive.

Vetofix UA452 is a two-component, high viscous, polyurethane-based binder system designed for vertical and horizontal applications. It is utilized to join sandwich panel elements and similar constructions made from various materials. This product is a blend of premium-quality, pure hydrophobic polyurethane resin, cured with a special grade of hardener, and reinforced with fine fillers.


  • Suitable for both industrial and commercial applications, exhibiting excellent bonding between substrates such as artificial grass, PVC, sandwich panels, glass, cement boards, metal, wood, rubber, fiber cement, and mineral wool. 
  • Used as an adhesive vertically and horizontally on steel substrates.


  • Easy to mix and apply. 
  • Excellent adhesion between concrete and various materials. 
  • Room temperature curing. 
  • Solvent free. 
  • Semi rigid.

Usage Instructions

Surfaces must be clean, dry, and free from grease, oil, dust, and contaminants. After the cleaning process, a physical or chemical pretreatment might be required, depending on surface and type of material. The type of pretreatment must be determined by tests. 

New concrete floors should be at least 28 days old, with a moisture content of less than 4%. If earlier application is required, the substrate should be tested for moisture conditions.

Mix the base [Part-A] and hardener [Part-B] components of Vetofix UA452 thoroughly using a heavy-duty slow speed drill-paddle assembly for two to three minutes and ensure a homogenous mix.

Properly mixed materials should be spread or filled over the cleaned surface using a suitable tool as per requirement demands on the entire area without leaving any gaps.

Clean tools with Vetonit Solvent XX400 promptly before material harden. Cured material must be mechanically removed.


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