Vetogrout CG519
High strength, non-shrink cementitious grout.
Vetogrout CG519 is a ready to use product in powder form, which requires only the on-site addition of water to produce a high strength non-shrink grout (compressive strength > 85 N/mm2). Vetogrout CG519 is composed of it composed of a blend of hydraulic cements, carefully selected and graded aggregates, and special additives to give it its unique properties.

- Can be used at any consistency, from fluid to plastic, for bedding, grouting, and precision bearing operations, including but not limited to: generators, crane rails, milling machines, precast elements, and anchor bolts.
- Can be used as a very high-strength plastic-pack repair mortar for major and minor structural repairs with thicknesses ranging from 20 - 100 mm.
- Can be used as a high-strength castable “micro-concrete” for large-scale structural repairs to core walls, columns, beams, etc., where both high strength and fluidity are required.
- Non shrink.
- High dense, impermeable.
- Large grouting and repair volumes.
- Different consistencies.
- High bonding to concrete and steel.
- High compressive strength.
Usage Instructions
The surface should be sound, clean, and free from loose material, grease, laitance, dirt-curing compounds, etc. Wet the substrate to achieve a saturated and dry surface condition before the application of Vetogrout CG519. Erect the hopper system and a form-work, make sure that the shuttering is watertight. This step ensures no leakage of cement paste and water from the shuttering. Contact Saveto’s local representative for more technical information, Saveto’s grouting detailed method statement, and CAD details. The base plate must be clean and free from oil, grease, or scale. Air pressure relief holes should be provided to allow venting of any isolated high spots. If leveling shims are used and removed after the grout has hardened, they should be treated with a thin layer of grease.
Generally, the gap width between the perimeter formwork and the plate edge should not exceed 150 mm on the pouring side, and 50 mm on the opposite side. It’s recommended to not have a gap at the flank sides.
For best results, use a mechanically powered grout mixer. When using quantities up to 50 kg, a slow-speed drill fitted with a high shear mixer is ideal. Larger quantities will require a high-shear vane mixer (Do not use a colloidal impeller mixer). To enable a continuous grouting operation, it is essential to provide sufficient mixing capacity and labor. It may require the use of a grout holding tank (it’s essential to to agitate the grout gently). Add water until you reach the desired consistency. Slowly add the entire content of the Vetogrout CG519 bag then mix continuously for 5 minutes or till achieving a lump free grout as per the desired consistency. This will ensure that the grout has a smooth, even consistency.
Place the grout within 20 minutes of mixing to gain the full benefit of the expansion process. Place Vetogrout CG519 at a thickness up to 100 mm in a single pour (When used as an under-plate grout). For thicker sections, it is necessary to fill out Vetogrout CG519 with 30 - 50% of the well-graded and silt-free aggregate -depending on the thickness (typically 10 mm aggregate is enough). Any bolt pockets must be grouted before grouting between the substrate and the base plate. (Continuous grout flow is essential). Prepare a sufficient amount of grout before starting and regulate the time taken to pour a batch to the time to prepare the next one. The repair area should not exceed 2.5 m2 in a single application.
When the grouting process is complete, cover exposed areas well with polyethylene sheets to prevent evaporation of the water in the mix for the first 24 hours; later, the grouted area should be cured using clean potable water twice a day for 3 days. Or you can use the Vetocure XT425 (a water-based curing compound after placing the grout).
Remove Vetogrout CG519 from tools and equipment with clean water immediately after use. Remove cured material mechanically.