Vetofix Parquet is a single-component, solvent-free, ready-to-use elastic polyurethane adhesive with an extremely low emission level of volatile organic compounds (VOC). Designed for bonding pre-finished, multi-layered and traditional jointed solid wood parquet. This adhesive is suitable for all sizes and formats of jointed, pre-finished solid wood parquet with a plywood backing. It is compatible with various types of wood flooring and most common types of floor substrates.
The surface must be sound and clean. Remove any dirt, paint, oil, grease, wax and other contaminants that may act as a bond breaker.
Use the appropriate trowel to apply the adhesive onto the substrate. Evenly distribute the adhesive with a suitable notched trowel. To avoid unnecessary thickness, glide the trowel smoothly through the adhesive at a 45-degree angle. Installation should commence immediately, as no flash time is required. Position the flooring accurately within the adhesive and press down firmly. Rolling is neither necessary nor recommended. Regularly check the boards to ensure proper adhesive transfer from the subfloor to the flooring. Firmly press the covering into the adhesive bed, adjusting until it feels secure. Ensure even and thorough adhesive transfer. Immediately remove any adhesive residue from the floor surface using Vetonit Solvent XX400. Follow the installation guidelines provided by the wood manufacturer. If necessary, place weights on the boards to ensure proper adhesion.
Vetofix Parquet should be removed from tools and equipment with Vetonit Solvent XX400 immediately after use. Hardened material can only be removed mechanically.