تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
Submitted by webmaster on 2 June 2024

ڤيتوبروف سي ام 740

عزل مائي أسمنتي مكون واحد.

Vetoproof CM740 is a single component flexible polymer modified cementitious waterproof membrane. It has unique crack bridging characteristics even after long-term water immersion. The product is suitable for use and contact with potable water and can withstand negative hydrostatic pressure. The product also complies with the requirements of ANSI 118.12 for crack isolation and use in tile fixing assemblies.


  • Waterproof lining for swimming pools, water tanks, dams, canals,...etc.
  • Wet-areas waterproofing while receiving tile adhesives and other renders.
  • Protecting concrete and masonry structures against ingress of chloride ions and carbonation.
  • As a crack isolation membrane in tile fixing assemblies.


  • Non-Toxic.
  • Flexible, crack bridging.
  • Waterproof.
  • Ready to receive tile adhesives and further renders.
  • Withstands high positive and negative hydrostatic pressures.
  • Easy application by brush, roller trowel or spray.
  • Bonds to green or damp concrete.
  • Effective barrier to sulphates and chlorides.
  • Excellent bond to concrete and masonry.
  • Used as a crack isolation membrane in tile fixing assemblies.

تعليمات الاستخدام

All surfaces should be dry and free from contamination, such as oil, grease, loose particles, decayed matter, moss algal growth, laitance, and all traces of mold release oils and curing compounds. This is best achieved by lightly gritblasting the surface. Where moss, algae, or similar growths have occurred, treatment with a proprietary biocide should be carried out after the grit-blasting process. Spalled and deeply disintegrated concrete should be removed to sound concrete and repaired with a Saveto repair system. For further advice, consult the local Saveto office. It is essential that all surfaces that receive Vetoproof CM740 be presoaked with clean water before applying Vetoproof CM740.

Pour 5.2 - 5.7 liters of fresh, clean water into a suitably sized mixing container. Commence mixing with a propeller agitator attached to a slow speed drill (300-500 rpm). Add the powder component gradually to the liquid to avoid lump formation and mix to reach lump free consistent slurry. Use Vetoproof CM740 immediately after mixing. Do not mix more material than the amount that can be used within the pot life. Keep mixing Vetoproof CM740 during the application.

For best results, surfaces should be damp. To obtain the protective properties of Vetoproof CM740, the correct rates of the application must be observed. Use a short, stiff brush, preferably 120 - 200 mm width, and apply in two or three coats as required. Use the correct mixing ratio to obtain satisfactory consistency for spray or trowel applications. Spray application will likely be the best for exterior decorative finishes in hot climatic conditions. Use nozzle size 3 - 4 mm, and a pressure of 6 - 8 bars.

The application of Vetoproof CM740 should not commence if the temperature of the substrate is below 5ºC. Application of Vetoproof CM740 on hot substrates, i.e., over 40ºC surface temperature, will need a primer coat of mixed Vetoproof CM740 and water slurry-like consistency. Apply Vetoproof CM740 over the primer whilst it is still wet. It is recommended that for general resurfacing, each coat should be 1mm thick. Areas subjected to light foot traffic should receive at least 2mm thickness of Vetoproof CM740, and an additional 2mm should be applied if conditions are moderate to heavy pedestrian traffic. The membrane can be reinforced using a 2x2 or 4x4 acrylic coated glass fiber mesh of 140 - 180 gm/m2 immersed in between coats. If in doubt about the condition of the substrate, consult Saveto technical department for any additional information.

Clean tools with water promptly before material hardens. Remove hardened material mechanically.


استكشف المزيد من المنتجات

ڤيتوبروف إس

مادة ذات أساس إسمنتي مكونة من مركبين مرنة مجسرة للشقوق وعازلة للماء

ڤيتوبروف يو ام 765

عزل مائي من البولي يوريثان الممتد بالقطران مكون واحد.

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