تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
Submitted by webmaster on 19 مايو 2024

ڤيتوبروف سي ام 744

طبقة نهائية عازلة للماء من الأسمنت المعدل بالبوليمر.

Vetoproof CM744 is a two-component polymer-modified protective coating for concrete and masonry, its supplied in ready to mix kits that can be applied by stiff brush or trowel. Vetoproof CM744 is used to re-face and even out variations in concrete and masonry surfaces. It provides a seamless, slightly flexible waterproof coating suitable for water tanks, reservoirs, and roofs. The product provides a tough, durable wear-resistant coating that can withstand light pedestrian traffic, and has excellent weather resistance for exterior applications. *Discoloration may occur due to the elements, but the function remains intact*.


  • As a textured protective cementitious finish for boundary walls, 
    blocks, concrete...etc.
  • Waterproofing under tiles in wet areas.
  • To protect atmospherically exposed reinforced concrete 
    structures from attack by acid gases, chloride ions, oxygen and 


Excellent barrier to carbon dioxide, chloride ions, and 
Allows water vapor to escape from the structure.
Good weateherability, durable in all climatic 
conditions, including UV stability. 
Effectively covers poured concrete that is pitted.

تعليمات الاستخدام

All surfaces should be dry and free from contamination, 
such as oil, grease, loose particles, decayed matter, moss 
algal growth, laitance, and all traces of mold release oils 
and curing compounds. This is best achieved by lightly grit-blasting the surface. Where moss, algae, or similar growths 
have occurred, treatment with a proprietary biocide should 
be carried out after the grit-blasting process.

Spalled and deeply disintegrated concrete should be 
removed to sound concrete and repaired with a Saveto 
repair system. It is essential that all surfaces that receive 
Vetoproof CM744 be pre-soaked with clean water before 
applying Vetoproof CM744.
For further advice, consult the local Saveto office.

Pour Vetoproof CM744 liquid concentrate from the plastic container into a suitably sized mixing container. Commence mixing with a propeller agitator attached to a slow speed drill (300 - 500 rpm). Add the powder component gradually to the liquid to avoid lump formation and mix for 2 to 4 minutes. Use Vetoproof CM744 immediately after mixing. Do not mix more material than can be used within the pot life. Keep mixing Vetoproof CM744 during the application.

For best results, surfaces should be damp. To obtain the protective properties of Vetoproof CM744, observe the correct rates of the application. Use a short, stiff brush, preferably 120-200 mm width, and apply in one or two coats as required. Trowel applications should use the correct mixing ratio to obtain satisfactory consistency. The application of Vetoproof CM744 should not commence if the temperature of the substrate is below 5°C. Application of Vetoproof CM744 on hot substrates, i.e., over 35°C, is not recommended. It is recommended that for general resurfacing, each coat should be 1mm thick. Areas subjected to light foot traffic should receive at least 2 mm thickness of Vetoproof CM744, and an additional 2 mm should be applied if conditions are moderate to heavy pedestrian traffic. If in doubt about the condition of the substrate, consult Saveto technical department for any additional information.

Clean tools with water promptly before material hardens. Hardened material can be mechanically removed.

Allow the Vetoproof CM744 to cure for at least 28 days 
before commissioning


استكشف المزيد من المنتجات

ڤيتوبروف إس

مادة ذات أساس إسمنتي مكونة من مركبين مرنة مجسرة للشقوق وعازلة للماء

ڤيتوبروف يو ام 765

عزل مائي من البولي يوريثان الممتد بالقطران مكون واحد.

ڤيتوبروف اي سي 761

طلاء إيبوكسي قطراني بالفحم خالٍ من المذيبات.